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School has been canceled in more than a dozen states, many of them with very short notice. If you're worried about your child falling behind with their learning or wasting away in front of netflix next week- we're here to help! Join us on Monday, March 16th, for a daily show featuring science and math lessons, crafts and games. Hosted by Science Mom and Math Dad, this two hour livestream is a wonderful way to put some fun learning into your quarantine.
Each show will feature a science lesson, math activities, interactive games, and stories.
While our science and math lessons are aimed at kids age 7-12, this is a family-friendly show that is for BOTH kids and parents (and any elderly people who are feeling isolated at home and would like to watch some science and math lessons and participate in a few crafts)
You can watch the livestream here on Facebook or by going to (a replay will be available afterward on the Science Mom YouTube channel).